A delicious and easy dessert
45 mn
If there is a dessert that pleases for its touch of exoticism it is the coconut flan! Its Its recipe is simple and easy to make and contains few ingredients.
It has the particularity after cooking to have 2 different textures, one is a flan of course and the other one is softer with the rapped coconut. A real gourmet dessert with its caramel topping.
For 10 servings
1 bowl
1 whisk
1 dish for the bain marie
1 mould
- 3 eggs
- 13fl oz of coconut milk
- 13fl oz sweetened condensed milk
- 10 tbsp of grated coconut
- 4 tablespoons liquid caramel
- 1 tsp of liquid vanilla
How to
- In a bowl pour the eggs, coconut milk and condensed milk.
- Mix gently without foaming.
- Then pour the vanilla and the coconut powder.
- Mix everything together.
- Verser le caramel au fond du moule puis votre mélange.
- Pour hot water in the dish and place the mold in the dish.
- Bake for 45 minutes at 355°F
- let rest in the fridge for about 6 hours
As you know at Bergamott we offer a base but always leave it up to your desires. The rum can be replaced by other flavors and why not incorporate citrus peels of your choice for more flavor and top with passion fruit coulis for more exoticism. It's up to you.
For 10 servings
1 bowl
1 whisk
1 dish for the bain marie
1 mould
- 27fl oz of coconut milk with about 60% coconut extract (less than 60 it may not hold well and too rich it will be more compact)
- 3,5 oz powdered sugar
- 2 oz cornstarch
- 3,5 oz grated coconut
- 2fl oz commercial liquid caramel
- cap of rum (optional)
- A pinch of turmeric to yellow the cream optional
How to
- Preheat your oven to 180°C and place a dish two-thirds full of water (to cook the flan in a bain-marie).
- In a bowl, mix the sugar, cornstarch, pinch of turmeric (optional) and grated coconut.
- Add the coconut milk a little at a time while mixing well.
- Pour the liquid caramel into the cake tin and pour the mixture over it.
- Déposez le moule dans le bain-marie et enfournez pendant 1h à 1h30 voir plus jusqu’à ce que la surface soit bien dorée et que la lame d’un couteau ressorte sèche .
- let rest in a cool place for about 6 hours.
- Gently run the blade of a knife around the edges of the pan to turn the flan out into a suitable dish.
Comme vous le savez chez Bergamott on vous propose une base mais laissez toujours libre cours à vos envies. Le rhum peut-être remplacé par d’autres arôme et pourquoi pas y incorporer des zestes d’agrumes de votre choix pour plus de saveur et napper de coulis fruit de la passion pour plus d’exotisme. À vous de jouer
La recette du flan coco en vidéo
Good tasting!