Today's life imposes us an accelerated rhythm of life, we run everywhere and finally we end up exhausting ourselves and churning air. Living at 100 per hour does not mean living at 100%.
So Slow Life is part of a philosophy of life, the idea is to take the time to live in the moment.
This does not mean that we procrastinate, on the contrary, we organize ourselves to have a better quality of life. We accept to take time for ourselves, we focus on what is important to us in order to live fully and more serenely.
How to apply the Slow life?
In the morning...
...we give ourselves more time to share breakfast with our family or to savor this moment by observing nature through the window, or even to enjoy this moment outside.
We take advantage of this time to allow ourselves a few minutes of meditation, or to do some sport.
At work...
...take a moment to review your tasks for the day. Rushing headlong will not necessarily do you any favors, nor will it make you more efficient. Unless you are looking for a mental exhaustion or in the long term a burn out...
Besides, the means of transportation in Slow Life mode, can go through public transport so you have time to read your mails or a book and even to do nothing! Cycling is also a good alternative
At lunchtime, get some fresh air! Don't stay in the office eating your sandwich. Take advantage of the outdoors or a more peaceful place. Make this time a time of conviviality.
At the end of the day
... give yourself time with your family (walking or a bike ride in nature, family games...), you have plenty of choices, what matters is to do yourself good.
We allow ourselves the time to tell a story to the children at bedtime and for the adults alone or accompanied we offer ourselves a moment around a hot drink of course ... I think you begin to understand the idea.
The Slow Life state of mind also plays on the way we shop, we prefer markets, sourced food. We become aware of what we are eating, cooking becomes a moment of sharing and pleasure, which leads us to slow food to thumb our nose at the concept of fast food.
On this same principle you have the Slow Fashion movement, we apply this philosophy on the clothes we wear. We are eco-responsible in our purchases, we buy little but quality. We keep the same mentality on a Slow Cosmetic trend, or become aware of what we use as hygiene products, and why not make them ourselves?
To finish the Slow Tourism obviously, you will have understood it we reconnect with the nature we take the time to stroll.
There's no point in running, you have to start on time
Jean de la Fontaine had understood it all